Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5th Marking Period Public Relations Project

Begin work on your Public Relations project in groups of 3-4.

1. Go over the handout, especially the page that outlines what a Public Relations campaign is all about.

2. DESCRIPTION OF CAMPAIGN: Start working on your objectives and your target audiences. Someone in the group will submit a written outline of your campaign following these guidelines.

3. BUDGET: Your mock PR firm has a very large budget. You decide what you will need in terms of printing costs and other expenses. You will submit the final budget.

4. PSA: Determine what your message will be. Do research to gather statistics and develop a powerful, hard-hitting message to incorporate in your PSA.

5. Have people in the group work on the PSA using Moviemaker. Gather visuals from Google Images (Be sure to save them in a folder--make a folder for your group and place it in the shared folder Gamzon/Journalism I).

6. PRESS RELEASE: If you are going to hold an event for your campaign (a concert, a charity walk, etc.), have someone in the group begin working on a press release for the event.

6. OTHER PR TACTICS: Have other people design brochures, T-shirts, logos, billboards, etc.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week of 2/23-2/27 Investigative journalism projects due

Finish work on Newsletters and powerpoint presentations in groups.

Friday: Newsletters due!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Investigative Journalism--4th Marking period

Due tomorrow:

Preliminary articles for editing or outline of articles.

Start preparing your newsletter and powerpoint presentation.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Finish Blog

Finish writing your 5+ blog entries, comments, and write a personal reflection on blogging as a form of "new media" and personal journalism.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday, December 19, 2008


Wishing you all Happy Holidays and New Year!

See you in January...

Enjoy the time off..get rest..read...and even WRITE...yes, BLOG AWAY...

Wishing you all the best!

Ms. Gamzon

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wed. Time's Best Blogs and comments

Time.com best blogs:

Visit this web site. Use the ;links on the web site to explore the "best blogs". By the end of the period, you should post a comment here about about what you like or don't like about the blogs you visited.

You should also have at least one interesting entry on your own blog. Make sure we can
visit your blog.


Also, visit this site about blogging:
